The Story Behind AP Recovery

Photo of Aaron our founder and injury specialist


Our founder Aaron underwent knee surgery to repair a meniscal lateral tear on the left knee after a football injury. The operation was a success. Aaron was due to make a full recovery and would be back playing football after rehabilitation.


After a long time on the sidelines, Aaron was back doing what he loved, playing football. Things were going well again, the injury was now behind him. Well, so he thought…

Close up of the Normatech compression boots
close up of the Cryospa sport ice bath


Aaron was out injured again with the same problem. A lack of education on the seriousness of his injury, rehabilitation cut short and playing too much football with little or no recovery between sessions was the cause of this injury. This time the operation wasn't to repair but to remove the meniscus completely.

That’s why we Believe in Educating our Customers About the Importance of Injury Prevention and Recovery

Meet our Passionate Team

Beth Maxwell
Beth has helped found the AP Recovery brand. With a BSc in Business and Marketing from Ulster University, Beth oversees the day-to-day runnings of the business, marketing, and social media management. Beth's passion is to help AP Recovery grow, providing services to as many people as possible.
Aaron Porter
Aaron is the founder and owner of AP Recovery. He has a vast level of experience in the sports and injury world. With the previous history of knee injuries affecting his own physical and mental well being, Aaron set out to educate others on the importance of sports recovery and injury prevention. He holds a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science and is also a Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist.